When it comes to body image issues the odds are stacked against girls. Three out of four teenage girls feel depressed, guilty, and shameful after spending just three minutes leafing through a fashion magazine. The Keep It Real Campaign wants to change this by making one simple ask of fashion magazines: print at least one picture of a model that is not retouched in photoshop in each issue.
Myths about the Asian American community -- commonly referred to as the "model minority" -- often contribute to challenges in uncovering the very real health disparities that exist within the diverse populations that fall under the same statistical umbrella.
All of the contraceptive technologies and reproductive health interventions in the world will not make a difference if there are not skilled health workers to deliver them.
Here is some religious liberty news that we reproductive justicers can celebrate: on Saturday, hundreds of Unitarian Universalist congregational delegates voted to make Reproductive Justice their next action and study issue.