The recent Huffington Post article by Sister Mary Ann Walsh of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops tells us quite a bit about the veracity of the USCCB’s claims that religious freedom is under attack in the United States.
Evidence suggests a growing base of vocal support for contraception education and support in the evangelical community. Of course, the main problem is that churches ever conflated their values with denying basic health care in the first place.
Why are so many women who want sterilizations not getting them? NPR memorializes 30 years of AIDS with a series of programs about the modern state of the disease. Red states are now moving to reject the ACA.
The current buzz within the abortion rights movement seems to be that we need to take a lesson from the gay rights movement – that people need to start “coming out” with their abortion stories. But we should remember with all of the culture change that the LGBTQ community has seen, stigma and violence are still perpetrated every day.
The power to preserve and expand reproductive rights is inextricably tied the right to vote. But what is power if your ability to leverage it is stripped away?