
Weekly Roundup: News on Tennessee’s “Gateway” Law, Parental Consent for HPV Vaccines, and Olympic Sex

In this week's sexual health roundup: there is new information on the origin of Tennessee's law that prevents schools from promoting "gateway" behaviors to sex at the same time that anecdotal information suggests teachers are censoring themselves because of it; a new poll shows that adults see the HPV vaccine differently than other STI treatment and prevention efforts and do not want to see parental consent for the vaccine waived; and a new tell-all book suggests that the Olympic village is a hotbed of sex, booze, and drugs.

“Would It Be Easier If I Lied?”

For the past 10 years I’ve been open about my HIV status and my drug use history. I can’t lie about these things anymore. I just don’t do that. Now, it’s quite possible that my honesty will cost me a US visa.

Telling Abortion Stories and Joking About Rape

Steph Herold will be on to talk about her new project chronicling women’s abortion stories. Mississippi’s battle over the last abortion clinic ends on a strange note, for now, and the nation actually has a somewhat productive conversation about rape jokes.