Kansas Democrat Jan Pauls and her “religious freedom” campaign have earned her a Democratic primary opponent in the 2012 election cycle and that primary opponent is gay.
The no copay contraception benefit began last week, and the controversy continues. Personhood USA hasn't given up on Oklahoma, and feminists are rising up inside the skeptic/atheist movement.
Last week, conservative pundit Glenn Beck invited his forty thousand closest friends to join him in "Restoring Love" at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas. Among them: Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who brought her softer side to a special women's event at a nearby megachurch.
Weekly global roundup: Namibian High Court says forced sterilization violated women's human rights; Spain is looking at tougher abortion restrictions; the world witnesses China's one-child policy and a gruesome forced abortion; gender equity in New Zealand still not up to snuff.
HIV won’t disappear overnight. Unintended pregnancy won’t magically cease. But by working with and through young people to gradually change Jamaicans’ access to sexual and reproductive health information and services, JFPA is ensuring that the next generation of Jamaicans will be knowledgeable and empowered to demand and the care they deserve.
A judgment by the high court in Namibia in favor of three women who claimed they had been sterilized without their informed consent confirms the principle that in order for consent to be truly “informed,” it must be freely given and clearly understood.