“We were really struck by the fact that there’s actually a big difference in who survives something like a heart attack," one of the authors of the paper told Rewire.News.
For parents specifically, even a few days in pretrial detention means having to navigate child welfare services—which can entail even more financial burdens.
Chung exposes the raw pieces of her heart, allowing the reader to feel all the complex emotions that came with learning the details of her origin as an adult who still yearned to hear that her birth parents—her first parents, the ones who might look like her—wanted her, even if they couldn’t keep her.
The province's top leader says a 2015 curriculum's discussions about gender, sexuality, and internet safety were too much and too soon for younger students. Some parents and students disagree.
The Republican governor's administration came out in February against expanding the state's paid leave program, which passed in the Democratic-majority Maryland legislature.
The proposed rule change could bar those seeking to immigrate to the United States from being able to enter, and deny lawful permanent residents the ability to further adjust their status and naturalize, simply for accessing services for their families to which they are legally entitled.
As the number of female veterans increase, women who live in communities serviced by older U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals could experience a delay in care—especially if men already occupy the hospital rooms.