Senator Kyl removes his "not intended to be factual" statement about Planned Parenthood from the Congressional Record; Minnesota state representative finds United Church of Christ minister and ACLU "disgusting;" and an anti-choice group demands that a state-funded teen sexual health site be shut down.
The war on contraception seeks to replace bedrock values--equality, freedom of thought, freedom of conscience, democracy--with blind obedience to authority and second class status for women.
Stillbirth is a global issue that impacts millions of women and families around the world each year. Sadly, it is also a burden that falls heaviest on the poorest families.
After everything these girls had already been through, they would be hauled off to jail for an act of desperate and peaceful resistance, motivated only by a desire to go to school.
An empty women's shelter built by the U.S. military in Kyrgyzstan; three-parent IVF is a possibility; Boehner hires a DOMA attorney; and Donald Trump doesn't see the relationship between a right to privacy and abortion.
Get yourself tested. Most STD’s show little or no symptoms, so it’s hard to tell if you or your partner has one unless you get tested. Getting tested can be a pretty scary scenario to think about, but in reality getting tested is safe, easy, and confidential.
Tennessee steps closer to a constitution that doesn't protect a right to abortion; Arizona has a new anti-abortion law; Filippino president risks ex-communication for reproductive health bill; and the reproductive health needs of women in prison.
Each day more than 7,300 babies are stillborn – a death just when a parent expects to welcome a new life. Each one is an individual story of a family devastated by the loss of their child.
A new short documentary from Al Jazeera English, Birthrights: The Risk of Choice, examines the prevalence and safety of cesarean sections in the United States, and the many players within the maternity care system.