It's a strange sensation to start something as a joke, expecting that only your friends on Facebook will see it, and then all of a sudden to see it all over the internet. That's what happened with my decision to report on my menstrual cycle to all of the Virginia legislators (not just the Republicans, contrary to popular news sources) who voted "yes" on HB462, the "mandatory ultrasound" bill.
When Representative Lance Kinzer introduced the bill he stated, "This is what I did over my summer vacation.” He should have gone to Disney World instead, since he appears to be related to Mickey Mouse.
Buried in a sweeping anti-abortion bill is a provision that would immunize a doctor who discovers that a baby will be born with a devastating condition and deliberately withholds that information from his patient. That's right.
My name is Rene, and I am graduate student. I am also on the Women's Health Program (WHP). Many of the women on the WHP are college students like myself, trying to better their lives with a higher education. We shouldn't have to choose between paying for a cancer screening and paying our bills while we're trying to further our education.
In the wee hours of the morning Wednesday the Wisconsin legislature voted to overturn the Healthy Youth Act and to ban private insurance from covering abortion. Rack another one up for the far right in Wisconsin.
In order to address adolescent pregnancy and parenting in the Latina/o community and beyond, we must collectively start to change the discourse and norms to include youth sexuality and health needs from a perspective that acknowledges young people’s rights to education, access, autonomy and opportunities.
The possible loss of KU Med School’s accreditation is not an “unintended consequence”…it is very much intended and in the same spirit that the Foxx Amendment was passed in the US House last year.
Radio host, Rush Limbaugh, seems to be monopolizing the ire of women these days now that less well-known misogynists are operating under the radar. Wisconsin Republican state Senator, Glenn Grothman, for example.