We have two options: We can make family planning a priority and invest the money needed to give women control of their own lives and futures. Or we can allow our nation – and our world – to slide backward.
Will Rousseff and Brazil’s other leaders summon up the will to truly stand up for women’s rights? Will they tackle one of the true solutions to high maternal mortality: decriminalization of abortion and measures that could effectively reduce deaths related to unsafe abortions?
In this week's sexual health roundup: a new gel that combines testosterone with a synthetic version of progestin appears to lower sperm count with few side effects; a new study finds that women who are fearful of giving birth face longer labors and more medical interventions, and a survey finds many adults more willing to give up sex than their favorite foods for one year.
The Supreme Court upholds the ACA, and the right loses its minds. Darcy Burner speaks out about abortion, and Christine Overall asks you to think before you breed.
By keeping her daughters out of the pool and off the beach, away from real women in bathing suits, what Michelle’s doing to her daughters is setting them up for a life of shame and self-hatred.
The Supreme Court has ruled that the Affordable Care Act may stand, but in light of international laws on the human right to health and health care, the United States has an obligation to do much more.
It was announced last week that Iowa House members are pushing emergency rulemaking for the state Department of Human Services to halt medical coverage for abortion care in cases of rape or incest, or severe physical or mental fetal deformities. It just doesn’t get more mean-spirited, out of touch and just plain awful than that.