Sorenson believes that the anti-shackling bill should be amended to “prohibit state resources being used to facilitate or perform abortions on female inmates held in state or county custody.”
The author of a Texas TRAP law said Tuesday he didn't believe the bill would lead to closure of any abortion providing facilities, or reduce access to safe, legal abortion care for Texans, even though that's exactly what it is meant to do.
In the campaign's SMS exchange about Anaya, the pregnant teen character who is bullied at the prom, she is no longer called a "fat loser"—now she's just called a "loser." Progress?
Patrick wants to keep Planned Parenthood from providing sex education curriculum in public schools. Watch how he treats citizens who respectfully disagree with him.
Last week, clergy from across the state of Texas gathered at the capitol building in Austin to show their support for access to contraception. Clad in collars, stoles and other religious garb, they stood in the outdoor rotunda to call, publicly, for legislators to stop their ongoing attacks on Texans' freedom to choose when and whether to have children.
This Women's History Month, it's important to recognize thought leadership from feminists like Gloria Steinem, Audre Lorde, and Selma James that has demonstrably influenced current feminist policy efforts.