Latin America is home to five of the seven countries in the world in which abortion is banned in all instances, even when the life of the woman is at risk. Here's why.
We are both groups of people that arose to address fundamental gaps in our medical system, and we both provide unconditional and nonjudgmental support for pregnant people.
I decided to track down some cisgender men to find out what escorting has meant to them, and to better understand why they volunteer to wake up early and stand outside an abortion clinic for hours.
I want to talk about two people. One is a young man from Minnesota whose biggest concern is that he can't wear his favorite orange shirts while in Austin supporting HB 2. The other is a woman who was arrested for screaming the truth: That this bill will kill women.
Since the early 1990s, public records show, Brigham’s patients have suffered emergency hysterectomies, severe bowel injuries, severed ureters, and sweeping lacerations to the uterus. Over a period of two decades, Brigham has been barred from practicing medicine in at least six states, sued by his landlords and business associates, and even served jail time for failing to pay taxes. And yet today, Brigham remains in control of a network of 15 abortion clinics in four states, and there appears little that most state authorities are able—or willing—to do about it.