A new study shows that the cost of having twins is five times higher than the cost of having one baby; triplets or more can cost as much as $400,000. The researchers suggest this is yet another reason to reduce the number of embryos transferred during in vitro fertilization.
If Texas politicians truly want to create support among Latino/as, they should stop making it more difficult for Latinas to get the reproductive health care they’re demanding and desperately need.
Rewire spoke with one woman who went undercover for the study to six crisis pregnancy centers. “Since I am aware of the information and studies, I thought I could be resistant to them,” she said. “But I felt instantly vulnerable to the information that they were providing.”
Texas is shutting down abortion clinics, driving privileged women to travel far for abortion, and forcing lower-income women to endure forced pregnancy. This is where the entire country is headed, if the anti-choice movement prevails in the courts.
Pro-choice advocates must highlight the evidence that prosecutions and imprisonment are the logical and inevitable outcome of criminalizing abortion. We must drive a wedge into this gap between some people’s ambivalence about abortion and their intuitive distaste for imprisoning women.
With a potentially tough Republican primary ahead of him, Sen. Lindsey Graham took the lead on a bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks post-fertilization—after Sen. Marco Rubio turned down the opportunity.
A Texas adoption agency owner has taken over a former Planned Parenthood clinic in one of the state's most underserved areas in terms of reproductive health care.
The Pennsylvania Department of Health is investigating a new abortion clinic in Philadelphia that is suspected to be associated with rogue abortion provider Dr. Steven Brigham, according to a spokesperson.
It has little chance of passing, but Sen. David Vitter hopes to attach a destructive anti-choice amendment to a landmark non-discrimination vote, according to news reports.