Despite the fact that IUDs and other forms of contraception prevent pregnancy from occurring, and therefore cannot cause an abortion, Saline County Commissioner John Price said during a meeting Tuesday, “I think it is murder to take this [grant money]. To me it is murder, and I am not standing for it.”
Without any debate, the Louisiana House of Representatives passed a bill Wednesday that would impose regulations aimed at severely limiting access to abortion. It is expected to be signed by Gov. Bobby Jindal.
A new DNA study found that more than two-thirds of healthy Americans have one or more strains of human papillomavirus in their skin, vagina, mouth, or gut. Researchers, however, insist that people should not overreact to these findings “until the harm or benefit of most of these strains becomes apparent.”
The proposed state constitutional amendment declaring that life begins at conception was nearly identical to an initiative that was rejected by 58 percent of Mississippi voters in 2011.
The bill is in response to documents released in April that purport to show that clinics that provide abortion services in New York state are not being regularly inspected by the state health department.
California's Maximum Family Grant rule denies financial support to babies born while their families are receiving grants from the state's welfare program. An effort is underway to repeal the rule and to deconstruct the narrative that poor women have babies for money.