The PEPFAR reauthorization bill currently in the House falls short on several critical measures, demonstrating its adherence to ideology over evidence-based prevention strategies.
CNN called tonight's primary contests in Texas, Ohio, Vermont, and Rhode Island "an epic political showdown." And it's still unclear who can declare him or herself the victor.
Anti-choicers, while detached from reality, aren't stupid, of course, and eventually they figured out how bad it looks to have a bunch of men at the front of misogynist organizations trying to put on a smiley face. Hence, the rise in prominence of women in the anti-choice movement.
This year, in honor of the 35th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health created a letter thanking the brave physicians who provided abortions before the Roe decision. Join me in thanking the courageous men and women who helped make abortion legal for women in America.
A report released today by the New York Civil Liberties Union discovers that access to reproductive health care services for women in New York jails is unregulated and lacks minimum standards.
Late last week Chinese family planning officials made headlines by indicating that Beijing might consider relaxing its thirty-year-old mandatory one-child policy. China's family planning policies are notable not only for being baldly coercive but also for being the excuse the Bush administration offers for defunding the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
Demographic trends can interact with other factors such as poverty, poor governance, competition for natural resources, and environmental degradation to exacerbate tensions and contribute to conflict. But demography is not destiny, and family planning and reproductive health can play an important role in preventing and reducing instability.
Both male circumcision and the new HPV vaccine have been called "no-brainers" in the fight to reduce HIV and HPV infection rates. But are they really the magic bullet solutions that they seem to be?
Although ideas regarding men's right to ownership over 'their' women in intimate relationships can be found across communities, the practice of cohabitation between under-aged females and older men is predominantly found in communities marked by poverty.
Susan Cohen explains how reducing unwanted pregnancy can reduce HIV transmission, ex-gay ministries get exposed as deceitful, abstinence-only both misinforms and spreads sexist stereotypes, and Pat Buchanan tries to wave away women in politics.