Bauer Back With His Anti-Choice PAC
Yet another anti-choice PAC is throwing money and ads into the end of the political cycle.
Susan B. Anthony List, National Right to Life, Americans United for Life, there are so many Republican PACs operating under the guise of “pro-life” that it’s becoming hard to keep track of them all.
Now, Gary Bauer has brought his Campaign for Working Families PAC back out of the shadows to weigh in on the 2010 election. In this case, with a $1 million
Via LifeNews:
The Campaign for Working Families PAC, headed up by former Republican presidential candidate Gary Bauer, has announced a $1 million ad campaign targeting pro-abortion candidates in several states.
The television effort goes along with the television, radio, and grassroots campaigns of other organizations like National Right to Life, the Susan B. Anthony List and Americans United for Life.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln and Pennsylvania’s Joe Sestak are the three Senate candidates that will face commercials sponsored by the pro-life organization.
Ads will also appear in Florida, where pro-life candidate Marco Rubio is taking on pro-abortion candidates Charlie Crist and Kendrick Meek.
On the House side, candidates targeted in the advertising campaign include Reps. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona, Mark Schauer in Michigan, Steve Driehaus of Ohio and Glenn Nye of Virginia.
Those are a mix of pro-life and pro-abortion candidates, with the pro-life Democrats on the list targeted because of their support for the pro-abortion ObamaCare bill. In addition, CWF is supporting pro-life Republican Daniel Benishek who is running against Democrat Gary McDowell for the seat of Rep. Bart Stupak — the leader of the coalition of pro-life Democrats who voted for the ObamaCare bill.
“Americans are demanding that the liberal politicians responsible for dramatically growing the Washington bureaucracy while shrinking the American economy be held accountable,” said Bauer in a statement.
“The American economy is sending out an SOS, and it’s time to ‘stop Obama’s socialism’ with leaders who are unapologetically for lower taxes, pro-free enterprise, pro-limited government, pro-strong national defense, pro-family and pro-life,” he added.
Campaign for Working Families declares itself an “unapologetically pro-life, pro-family and pro-growth” organization. Much like the other Republican front groups placing ads and supporting candidates, the primary criteria still seems to be making sure they unseat Democrats, regardless of if they are anti-abortion or not.