Thank you for being a part of the Rewire News Group community.
Thank you for being a part of the Rewire News Group community.
Misinformation isn’t just frustrating—it’s dangerous. It misleads people, influences harmful policies, and undermines reproductive freedom. But we’re not backing down. Thanks to your support, we’ve seen how facts, when elevated and shared, can change the conversation and empower people to make informed decisions about their bodies and futures.
Thanks to donors like you, we’ve already made great strides. But as we prepare to take on even bigger challenges in 2025, we need your continued support. To ensure we can keep up the fight, we’ve set a goal to raise $20,000 by December 31.
At Rewire News Group, we’re committed to cutting through the noise and delivering the facts—because truth is at the heart of our mission, and we know that you rely on us to provide it.
Your contribution, no matter the size, ensures we can keep reporting the truth, debunking harmful myths, and amplifying the stories that matter.