Scott Swenson

RH Reality Check

Faith and values have always motivated my work in politics, Congress, for nonprofits and foundations doing progressive advocacy work for 20 years. Before helping to create and launch Rewire and becoming its Executive Editor, I was proud to bring my values to work securing rights for the terminally ill as Executive Director of the Death with Dignity National Center (2001-2005), the organization that passed, promoted and defended Oregon’s Death with Dignity Law; fighting racism by helping produce and promote the Voices Special Forum at the U.N. World Conference Against Racism in 2001; and in my work to promote rights for people regardless of sexual orientation or HIV status at the Gill Foundation. My work communicating progressive vision was honed at Communications Consortium Media Center, Public Agenda, and working for Rep. Dan Glickman and on state and federal campaigns. Some of us get that it is life that motivates us to make the world a better and more inclusive place. Faith (writ large) and democracy, are being perverted by those who cannot tolerate anything outside of their narrow world view. We should all be aware that each life is precious, blessed with free will, and responsible for the choices we make.  

VIDEO: Palin and Biden on Roe, Church and State

Far-right social conservatives are cheering what Sarah Palin will bring to the White House as a triumph of their religious ideology and what it means for the future of the United States government, especially on Roe v. Wade.  Joe Biden and Sarah Palin interviewed by Katie Couric.

VIDEO: Couric Asks Palin About Abortion, Contraception

Trying to appear more mainstream on abortion is common during elections. But governing is about the Justices that get appointed to overturn Roe, and efforts to make contraception more difficult to obtain, as the Bush Administration is trying to do. Updated with the full CBS transcript including portions not broadcast (yet?)