Sarah Seltzer

Sarah Seltzer is freelance writer based in New York City. Her work has been published in The Washington Post, Ms. Magazine, Bitch Magazine and on the websites of The New York Times, The Nation, The Christian Science Monitor, The Wall Street Journal and Jezebel. She once taught English in a Bronx public school, and has an MFA in writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts. Find her on twitter at @sarahmseltzer

How to Approach the Mega-Misogynists Among Us?

In the pop-cultural realm feminists are kept busy uncovering the co-opting of our own "empowering" rhetoric to perpetrate potent sexism, looking out for so-called Nice Guys and women who claim to be liberated but sell an old-school lifestyle.

Trying to Reverse Time, At Any Cost

"Youth Knows No Pain" is a somber, but fairly agenda-free HBO documentary that follows several Americans into the spa, the botox seat, and mostly to the plastic surgeon's office in an effort to turn back time on their faces and bodies.

Chris Brown and Rihanna, Six Months Later

Although it's a relief that the public has finally stopped victim-blaming with Rihanna, there's little extrapolation of the lessons we've learned in this case to the larger social patterns that affect gender-based violence everywhere.

Kourtney’s Choice

In America, abortion is always a choice "someone else" makes. But this is a myth and we need to face reality. Those who choose "the other option" aren't selfish, desperate or "someone else." They are our friends, our neighbors and, often, us.