Sarah Audelo
Sarah Audelo is the Senior Manager of Domestic Policy at Advocates for Youth. She works sexual and reproductive health policy for young people including: comprehensive sex education, GLBTQ rights, HIV prevention, contraceptive access, and abortion rights. Previously she was the Manager of the Youth Activist Network. Before joining Advocates, Sarah was a high school special education teacher in La Joya, Texas as part of the Teach for America program. In Texas, she was also a board member for the Valley AIDS Council, an HIV/AIDS service organization. While Sarah attended Georgetown University, she was a member of Advocates’ International Youth Leadership Council, working on international reproductive health and HIV and AIDS issues. She was also a member of MEChA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chican@s de Aztlan) and an Este Aztlan representative for the National MEChA Coordinating Committee. Sarah is originally from Bakersfield, California.