Bob Marshall Introduced By Man Who Says Haitians Deserved It

Bob Marshall, who continues to dispute he said what he's been recorded and caught on video tape saying, is digging an ever-deeper hole for himself politically.  Moreover, new video shows that he was introduced at the press conference by a minister who said Pat Roberts was "on target" about the recent earthquake in Haiti being just punishment for a "pact with the devil."

Planned Parenthood Has A Widget For You

Interested in figuring out the right birth control method for you? Wondering if you should be tested for an STI? Need to know where the closest Planned Parenthood clinic is located? Planned Parenthood now has three widgets that can be added to a blog or webpage.

Utah Bill Criminalizes Miscarriage

A bill passed this week by the Utah State Legislature and awaiting the governor's signature, will criminalize miscarriages and abortions under certain circumstances and send women to jail.