OneWorld.net is the premiere global hub for groups and individuals who care about international issues—a town hall for today’s interconnected world.
OneWorld United States publishes U.S. and international perspectives on global issues gathered from OneWorld partners worldwide. We select from OneWorld's vast network of nongovernmental organizations, development-oriented news services, foundations, and research institutions the news and views considered to be of the greatest interest to a U.S. audience.
The OneWorld U.S. edition seeks to provide balanced and accurate coverage, identify sources, and provide access to original documents, through links to partner websites. Through links to OneWorld.net, U.S. readers can easily access in-depth information organized into guides on topics and countries.
OneWorld United States also provides outreach and support to U.S.-based nonprofit organizations that share our global values and want to participate in our network.
OneWorld United States is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that operates as one of 11 regional and country centers – autonomous, non-profit organizations who share the values and vision of OneWorld and want to make use of its name, technology and worldwide audience to build on the potential of the net in their own area and languages.
About the OneWorld/Rewire partnership:
RHRealityCheck.org is an online, global reproductive health publication featuring news, analysis, and interactive features to foster dialogue, engage the sexual and reproductive rights community and create a forum to promote and inspire action on behalf of progressive points of view on these issues. Since its launch in April 2006, Rewire has seeded itself in the global health and news communities as a trusted source for sexual and reproductive health news and information. RH Reality is pleased to announce its latest venture – a partnership with OneWorld.net. OneWorld is a global online community of over 1600 partner organizations worldwide working in human rights and sustainable development. Joining the OneWorld community will allow Rewire to deepen its impact and expand its reach as an original reporting and commentary news and information site. In a time when anti-choice rhetoric abounds, it is crucial to have outlets like OneWorld.net and Rewire to counter-act the misinformation.
Scott Swenson, Managing Editor of Rewire says, "We are thrilled to join with the Oneworld.net community. OneWorld.net is a recognized leader in providing expert coverage on global health issues. Rewire is an unparalleled source for domestic and international reproductive health news and information. It's a natural fit and readers of both of our sites will benefit immensely."
Roshani Kothari, Partnership Director at OneWorld says, "Oneworld.net is pleased to welcome Rewire into our community. Rewire is an excellent resource on reproductive health issues and we look forward to sharing your stories with the global OneWorld community."
Partnership with OneWorld enables organizations to better communicate their messages, learn good practice from each other, and network with like-minded organizations around the country and the world.