Masimba Biriwasha

RH Reality Check, Africa & Asia

Masimba Biriwasha is a children's writer, poet, playwright, journalist, social activitist and publisher. He has experience working in HIV and AIDS in Zimbabwe and Thailand. He is currently working for Health & Development Networks, an HIV/AIDS advocacy organization based in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Making AIDS Political

Genuine political will to fight the epidemic at all levels, along with an allocation of resources that are consistently monitored and accounted for, is critical to an effective AIDS response.

Facing Up to Violence Against Women

In many parts of the world, violence against women is a mirror of the structural and traditional inequalities between men and women. Due to women's subordinate status in society, they are treated as property by their male counterparts.

Gender Violence Worsens HIV Crisis

A recent report in Zimbabwe shows that violence against women has become normalized, so programs that encourage men to shun the use of violence need to be an integral component of every HIV intervention.