Mary Jane Gallagher
Mary Jane Gallagher is the President & CEO of the
National Family Planning & Reproductive Health Association. She brings to
this important job a no-nonsense, straight-talking approach which can only be
found in a woman born and bred in the Appalachian foothills of West Virginia.
Her progressive yet independent sensibilities have helped to invigorate an
association whose members provide a service that is at once vital to society
and under constant attack by groups dedicated to decreasing the scope of our public
health system.
Gallagher creates opportunities for the association’s members to counter those
attacks. Members are helping to win support for access to comprehensive family
planning for the uninsured and those living in poverty through constant engagement
of public policymakers and other key stakeholders. She is a fierce advocate for
women’s health and family planning. Her commitment to non-profit efficiency and
her communications acumen perfectly anchor her belief that all people deserve
access to services which will help them act responsibly, stay healthy and plan
for strong families.