Mark, a 21 year old international development officer, music aficionado and self-indulgent writer, is positively salivating at the opportunity to serve as a Youth Web Correspondent at the UNGASS review in New York City. A veteran of Advocates for Youth’s International Youth Leadership Council, Mark has discussed the state of trans-Atlantic reproductive health policies with activists in Belgium, lobbied for responsible youth sexuality education on Capitol Hill and educated peers around his alma mater dressed as a six foot phallus named Woody. A committed believer in a multisectoral approach to combating the AIDS pandemic, he is also fully aware of the need for committed, passionate constituents to hold their respective governments and institutions accountable, and to demand full representation. He is more than happy to perform such duties. A native of Australia, he looks forward to the day that sensible, public health-based global health policies finally begin to meet the needs of his generation, and will gladly call out inefficient, pandering mass bureaucracy with little mincing of words. Marks holds a B.A. in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland and blogs using a 4th generation iBook.