Kathleen Reeves

RH Reality Check

Kathleen Reeves recently completed a master’s degree in Humanities and Social Thought at New York University.

Women, Listen to Your Mothers

Because of the tremendous work done in the 60s and 70s, my generation can sit around and have conversations about our feelings about abortion. But we need to remember that what matters politically is the legal right to have an abortion, without which these conversations are moot.

Live from Iowa: Latina Empowerment

A radio drama written and directed by an MFA student at the University of Iowa aims to empower Latina women about sexual health. The program, called “La Noche Te De Sorpresas,” or “The Night Gives You Surprises,” is broadcast in Spanish and is one of two culturally-specific radio shows being launched by the University of Iowa College of Public Health and the Iowa Initiative to Reduce Unintended Pregnancies.

Cardinal Rigali, Republican Lobbyist

Cardinal Rigali manipulates Catholic morality to bring it perfectly in line with Republican policy, though it doesn't reflect the “Catholic” line on war, poverty, and health care. But listen: those issues are just not that important.