Jessica Haro
Jessica Haro is a member of the Choice USA board of directors, a Choice USA History of Choice, Future of Justice trainer, a graduate of the 2005 Gloria Steinem Leadership Institute, and the past president of Stanford Students for Choice (a Choice USA affiliate). As chapter president she ran the Stanford campaign to defeat Prop. 73, a ballot initiative for parental notification of a minor's abortion which would have written a definition of life beginning at conception into the California constitution. In 2006 Jessica received the Choice USA Member Award for Excellence in Organizing for her work on this campaign, in which she mobilized more than 3,000 students. Jessica is 22 and just received her BA in Communication from Stanford University. She hopes to one day create a magazine that is a positive force in the lives of young teens. Her blog, Pink Wave Feminism, can be found at jessharo.blogspot.com.