James Wagoner

Advocates for Youth

James Wagoner is President of Advocates for Youth, a leading national organization on adolescent reproductive and sexual health.  A respected public policy and reproductive health expert, Mr. Wagoner previously served as executive vice president of NARAL Pro-Choice America.  Prior to that, Mr. Wagoner served as chief of staff to Senator Howard M. Metzenbaum (D-OH) and on the Senate Budget and Human Resources Committees.


Looking Forward, Looking Back: Two Perspectives on Leadership, Culture, and the Sexual Health Movement

In the years ahead, Advocates will continue to be a dynamic leader in promoting the rights of youth to information, education, and services. I am deeply committed to our current, innovative work expanding adolescent access to contraception domestically and internationally; fighting homophobia in schools and communities across the United States; and using our policy work on the Hill and with the administration to advance the goals of our state and local partners.

Ab-Only May Help PreTeens Delay Sex

Research released this week on an "abstinence-only" program for young, urban African American preteens found success in delaying sex for up to 24 months, but does not support the failed ab-only-until-marriage programs of the Bush era.

Ab-Only: Where Do We Go From Here?

The time has come for the Democrats to correct course and stop government funding of ineffective abstinence-only programs. How can congressional leaders continue to ignore the public health consensus about science-based programs?

Dems Finalize Massive Increase for Ab-Only

Today, the Democratic controlled Labor HHS Appropriations conference committee report includes the full increase requested by President Bush for abstinence-only programs. Let's call that what it is: a stunning disgrace.