Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs (JAC) is a national network committed to a strong US-Israel relationship and a social agenda that includes reproductive rights and separation of religion and state. JAC provides financial support for US Senate and House candidates who uphold this agenda; JAC maintains a dialogue with those it helps elect.

Visit us at www.jacpac.org and our blog at https://www.jacpac.org/index.php/jac-blog for more information.

Pro-Choice Voters Pay Taxes Too

I am confused about how to find the check-off box on the Federal Income Tax form that designates where you want your tax dollars to be spent. I actually have spent some time looking for it and cannot find the box to check off my preferences.  It must be there as the recent onslaught of anti-abortion bill sponsors are loudly proclaiming that tax dollars should not be used for abortions and that tax payers object to paying for them.

Anti-Abortion Laws: Big Brother’s Invasion of Women’s Rights

In the days leading to the November mid-term elections, the highly charged issues were government intervention in health care (ObamaCare), the soaring fiscal debt and the lack of jobs. Republicans promised that their  first priorities were jobs, jobs and jobs. Next they would tackle health care by introducing a better plan for Americans.  In the time that they have been in office, the only decisive action is ---- against women.

The Initial Assaults on Abortion Rights in 2011

The first urgent business for the incoming 112th Congress was supposed to be a call to repeal the health care bill. Proclaiming a mandate, newly elected Congressional members and incumbents were on message about ObamaCare and what the American people want. They decried the mandatory purchase of health insurance and the penalty for refusing to do so. While they focused on the "will of the people,"  they were very busy planning the will of the conservatives to enact new, highly restrictive abortion laws.

The Newest Front in the War on Women

The countdown for the 112th Congress to convene is 3 days away. In listening to the rhetoric on the airwaves, it appears the country is poised to become a conservative orderly society for the wealthy, the business community and the anti-choice forces.  The Republicans are threatening to enforce their mandate, which they proclaim is to roll back "Obama Care," cut spending and read the Constitution on the first day in session.

Who Is Naughty and Who Is Nice?

Ho, ho, Merry Christmas to all. The past few days the Lame-Duck Congress has given out gifts to the American public.  In the realm of who is naughty and who is nice, it is clear that women fall into the ranks of the naughty.

Act Now for Abortion Rights

In Sunday's New York Times, buried on page 34A, Robert Pear outlines what we can expect with Representative Joe Pitts as chair of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health.  Pitts' path is a straight line to denying women their fundamental rights.  He wants to get rid of a woman's right to make her own determinations about her health and reproductive life.