Gina Crosley-Corcoran
Gina Crosley-Corcoran is a pre-law student in her early 30’s at Loyola University Chicago, and has a passion for reproductive justice as it relates to the rights of childbearing women. Gina is a mother of two young boys, the first of which was born via cesarean, and the second which was born by a triumphant, hard fought VBAC. In the delivery room, Gina discovered the ways in which some laboring women must stand up to the system to achieve a truly autonomous, safe, and satisfying birth experience. Since then, Gina has been providing mother-to-mother support by leading the DuPage County chapter of the International Cesarean Awareness Network, and through disseminating information and resources about VBAC birth through her blog, TheFeministBreeder.com
When Gina earns her law degree, she hopes to assist women facing legal challenges with asserting their right to safe and satisfying birth.