Debra Haffner

Religious Institute

The Reverend Debra W. Haffner is the director of the Religious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing. She is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister.

Rev. Haffner was the chief executive officer of SIECUS, the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States, from 1988 through May 2000. During Rev. Haffner's tenure at SIECUS, she created the Religious Declaration on Sexual Morality, Justice, and Healing; the National Coalition to Support Sexuality Education; the Commission on Adolescent Sexual Health; and the Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Kindergarten – Grade Twelve.

Follow her on twitter @revdebra and @religiousinst

Ground We’ve Already Covered

The real moral challenge we face is how to ensure access to the means to prevent unintended pregnancies - specifically comprehensive sexuality education, universal access to contraceptive services, including emergency contraception, and education and employment opportunities for young women.

Unearthing Common Ground

It's not about reducing abortion. The advocates for a new common ground correctly note the correlation between poverty and abortion rates. But they fail to mention how poverty first contributes to unintended pregnancies.

Don’t Leave Sex Out of Saddleback

Rev. Rick Warren promises to engage Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama in a dialogue dedicated to "civil discourse and the common good of all" at the Saddleback Civil Forum on Saturday. Will those who advocate for sexual and reproductive justice be included in that "all?"

Every Child Born Healthy and Wanted

The stories of both Christmas and Chanukah resonate with our ministry to promote a progressive religious voice on sexuality issues. We speak out against injustice and for religious diversity.