Danielle Stouck
Danielle Stouck is the Director of Development at the Global Justice Center, where she supports fund development and growth across the organization’s programs. Prior to joining the Global Justice Center, Danielle oversaw fund development and external communications for the Human Rights Funders Network (HRFN) – a global network of grantmaking institutions committed to advancing human rights through effective philanthropy. At the HRFN, Danielle provided research and convening support to funder-only working groups, served as a liaison to network members and helped to translate the organization’s strategic plan into a learning, monitoring and evaluation framework. Holding expertise in forced displacement, gender equality, and refugee rights, Danielle has also worked with organizations including the Women’s Refugee Commission, the World Food Programme, and the Near East Foundation and Public Agenda. Danielle holds a Master’s Degree in international affairs from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University and a Bachelor’s Degree in middle eastern studies and human rights from Barnard College