The Illinois House is using the conservative Agriculture Committee to pass anti-choice bills, North Dakota is looking at a personhood bill, and Sen. Lautenberg and Rep. Lee introduce a bill banning federal funding of ineffective abstinence programs.
Washington considers compensated surrogacy, SBA List and FRC demand House vote against keeping goverment running unless bill is anti-family planning, Sen. Murkowski supports Title X, Nebraska woman denied labor inducement, Idaho poised to ban abortion in state exchanges, and an "expose!" that isn't really.
Georgia tables motion that would have forced all abortions into hospitals, new Virginia clinic regulations will be set in months, people with HIV at greater risk of bone fractures, and the Utah legislature passes three abortion-related bills.
Preterm birth medication cost will go up 150 times due to exclusivity contract, FBI arrests suspect in Fresno Planned Parenthood arson case, Georgia moves to only allow abortions to be performed in hospitals, and Senator Rand Paul connects abortion, light bulbs, and his toilet. And he really hates his toilet.
Texas students respond to the state's teen pregnancy rate by marching on the capitol to demand contraceptive education, a mini-roundup of the South Dakota waiting period/mandatory pro-life counseling bill, and the Oklahoma House moves to make abortion after 20 weeks a felony - for the doctor.
Planned Parenthood is touring the country in a hot pink bus to rally support, a march for women's equality in Egypt turns sexually violent, and men in Texas don't want to play politics with forcing ultrasounds. Except that is exactly what they are doing.
Texas House passes mandatory ultrasound bill without a rape or incest exception, 40 Days of Harassment starts tomorrow, Minnesota introduces fetal pain bill, and will internet-procured medication be the new back alley abortion?
Operation Rescue holds breath, stamps feet about Planned Parenthood funding, Arkansas legislature introduces "fetal pain" bill, will GOP choose budget cuts or denial of women's rights, and a Montana judge orders a hysterectomy against a woman's will.
House Judiciary Committee moves H.R. 3 to the full House, three abortion bills survive Iowa's bill funnel, the governor of South Dakota says he's likely to sign bill requiring CPC counseling, an elected official is surprised at the reaction when he says women belong at home raisin' babies, and a Kenyan official suggests banishment for those with HIV.
Would-be clinic bomber gets short sentence thanks to good grades, BYU basketball player kicked off the team for having premarital sex, prosecutors may seek death penalty against Kermit Gosnell, and NYC will be the next city that requires CPC's to disclose they don't provide abortion.