Stephen Colbert creates #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement hashtag in response to Sen. Kyl's remarks on Planned Parenthood; NRLC won't score the budget; Huckabee supports "heartbeat" bill; and Alan Simpson rails on GOP social conservatives.
DC mayor arrested protesting abortion rider; birth control also too controversial for Florida legislature; Pennsylvania moves towards TRAP laws in response to Gosnell; UK gay men can donate blood but only if they're celibate; and how forced pregnancy solves our budget woes.
FDA rejects age extension on Gardasil; DC no longer permitted to make own abortion decisions; medical records of family planning patients stolen; adoption law struck down in Arkansas; and ScarJo stands with Planned Parenthood.
Missouri Senate passes bill to remove health exception from post-viability abortion law; groups sign onto letter asking for a budget bill without policy riders; women may have to think twice (!) before an abortion in Illinois; a new vaginal progesterone gel can help pregnant women with a shortened cervix.
Four percent of population is LGBT; Ohio student cannot distribute abortion/breast cancer flyers in a classroom; the Candies Foundation defends payment to Bristol Palin; should sexual orientation be included in medical records?
The Candies Foundation pays Bristol $262k but grants only $35k for teen pregnancy prevention; the FBI releases 10-year old threats against Dr. Tiller; Delaware may enact parental consent; Illinois cannot force pharmacies to distribute emergency contraception.
Governor Brian Schweitzer vetoed a bill that would have prohibited coverage of abortion in state insurance exchanges; the wife of Kermit Gosnell is released on house arrest; Justice Sotomayor will visit a birthing center/Head Start provider in DC next week; and could HPV contribute to lung cancer?
Georgia will use federal TANF money for domestic violence shelters which could eliminate services for women without children, what do state ant-abortion bills say about women, Arizona enacts more anti-abortion legislation, and Starbucks selling a maternal health benefit CD.
Wisconsin library will show the anti-choice documentary, U.S. House committee passes bill preventing pre-tax dollars from being spend on abortion, ACLU sues Alabama prisons, and Virginia governor asks for abortion to be excluded from state insurance exchanges.
40 Days for Life is suing a library who declined to show an anti-abortion documentary that would disrupt normal library functions, could allowing HIV-positive people donate organs save lives, and three cheers for the NBA and WNBA for AIDS education!