Headshot image of Andrea Grimes

Andrea Grimes

Andrea Grimes is a feminist journalist, editor, and podcaster living in Austin, Texas. Her commentaries, investigations, and analyses have appeared in the New York Times, the Texas Observer, Cosmopolitan, Rolling Stone, Bitch, Ms. Magazine and Jezebel, among many other publications. You can find her cussing on Twitter as @AndreaGrimes, or drinking a Bloody Mary on a sunny patio, or sometimes both.

Is Rick Perry’s Rejection of the Affordable Care Act Political Posturing or a Portent of What’s to Come?

On Monday, Texas Governor Rick Perry rejected two major tenets of the Affordable Care act, saying the state would not participate in the individual state exchanges nor in the Medicaid expansion. What does this mean for a state with the highest rate of uninsured citizens -- a state that already rejected federal funds for the Medicaid Women's Health Program? Experts say the result will be escalating private insurance costs and declining public health.