Amanda Marcotte

Amanda Marcotte writes for and manages the blog Pandagon, blogs for Slate’s Double X, and has two books out: “It’s A Jungle Out There: The Feminist Survival Guide to Politically Inhospitable Environments” and “Get Opinionated: A Progressive’s Guide to Finding Your Voice (and Taking a Little Action)”. She’s written about politics, pop culture and feminism for outlets such as Slate, Salon, the LA Times, the Guardian, Bitch, and the American Prospect. A former resident of Texas, she now lives in Brooklyn, NY.

Hobby Lobby’s Real Agenda: Taking Your Religious Freedom

The Green family of Oklahoma, who own and operate Hobby Lobby, says they're suing the Department of Health and Human Services over the birth control benefit in the Affordable Care Act because of religious freedom. But their other political activities show that their real agenda is forcing their religious beliefs on you, any way they can.