One of the driving forces behind the South Dakota 72 hour waiting period and mandatory religious counseling rule claims that reproductive groups are worried about losing money, even though his group stands to gain from the law.
A recent federal district court decision upholding a 2004 Ohio limiting the use and availability of RU-486 for early termination of pregnancy exacerbates the increasing intrusion of ideology into medical practice, and creates a different standard for off-label use of abortion drugs than for other commonly-used drugs.
In an effort to curb abortion rates, lawmakers in Russia take a page—or several—right out of the U.S. anti-choice lobby’s playbook and seek to impose numerous restrictions on abortion.
My failed pregnancy required me to undergo a dilation and extraction procedure, one of those the House GOP has voted to make illegal as part of training doctors. If my doctor had not been trained, I could have died.
Despite pressure from the Catholic Church, voters in Malta asked for the legal right to divorce. This leaves the Philippines as the only country where divorce is illegal, but maybe not for long.
A woman in a small town in the Midwest enters an emergency room with a massive infection because her fetus has died and is causing a massive infection in her body. However, not one of the OB/GYNs on call that night is competent enough to successfully complete the procedure needed to save her life. This is a true story.