The new HHS contraception requirements continue to cause a freak-out in right wing media. Stroke rates fror pregnant women see an alarming rise, and Nursing Students for Choice advocates for the unsung heroes of reproductive health care.
The prospect of President Perry should make us very worried. He has made inflammatory statements indicating how he would govern as an anti-choice president, calling Roe v. Wade "a shameful footnote in our nation's history books" and "a stark reminder that our culture and our country are still in peril."
Operation Rescue prompted pro-choice advocates from around the country to get together and realize how strong we actually are, an invaluable realization at a time of unprecedented legislative attacks on a woman's fundamental right to control whether, when and how she might have children. What we need is to stand together more often, and in the streets.
Black Swan events are proliferating for many reasons—notably climate change and the growing scale and interconnectedness of the human enterprise. World population doubled in the last half-century to just under seven billion people, so there are simply more people living in harm’s way, on geologic faults and along vulnerable coastlines. In effect, we have re-engineered the planet and ushered in a new era of radical instability. Advancing and securing women's rights are a key aspect of the solution to these problems.