As the anti-choice movement continues to try and push for more restrictions, it becomes even clearer that with them, being a victim of rape is no longer a valid reason to have an abortion.
As of January 1, 2012, Rewire will be a fully independent 501 c3 organization. This is exciting news but it also means we will need your help now more than ever.
Vigil for Life, a radical anti-choice group, was unsuccessful in "convincing" a woman to terminate an unintended and untenable pregnancy. So what did it do? It put out an All Points Bulletin to track her down.
As the Massachusetts Legislature considers this year’s crop of criminal justice reform bills, one that has not gotten much attention is a measure to ensure proper treatment of pregnant women in jail and prison.
In the same way that the fundamentalist Christian God allows people to exercise their free will by choosing between worshipping and serving Him or else burning in Hell forever - the Quiverfull woman must make the decision to trust God and perhaps die physically, or trust in the Pill and her own common sense and die spiritually for all eternity. That's not a choice - it's an ultimatum.