Concerned Women for America sent out a letter protesting abortion coverage for raped service women. In their estimation, since you can't go back in time and un-rape the victim, there's no reason to offer post-rape care to mitigate the damage.
At the 2011 International Conference on Family Planning in Dakar, Senegal, 17 organizations joined together on a declaration in support of safe abortion worldwide.
Governor Brownback has established the Office of the Repealer to help rid Kansas of “unreasonable, unduly burdensome, duplicative, onerous or conflicting laws.” My organization was able to think of just a few recent laws that are extremely unreasonable, duplicative, and overly burdensome to hard-working women and families.
HIV-positive women—like all women worldwide—have the right to decide when and if to have children. At a minimum, non-biased pregnancy options counseling and referrals to safe abortion and/or post-abortion care services should be part of comprehensive SRH services provided to HIV-positive (and all) women.