
My Surprise Conversation with a Congresswoman

A lot of the discussion surrounding women’s health and reproductive rights can certainly be boiled down to trust…both the lack of trust and mistrust in women. Hearings like the one last week and bills like the one in Virginia are symptomatic of a larger issue that Congresswoman DeLauro is noticing.

Lady-Parts, the Church, and Planned Parenthood: When I Became Pro-Choice

I've been on both sides of the reproductive rights debate – the side that thinks reproduction is not a right or a decision but a God-given duty; and the side that thinks birth control and abortions ought to be available to whoever the hell wants 'em, regardless of age (within reason) or reason (within reason). I've spent my entire adult life on the latter side of the issue.

What Do Artificial Wombs Mean for Women?

Would you chose external gestation if you could? What do artificial wombs mean for reproductive rights - including abortion, equality and the role of women in society? The moral, ethical, legal and societal consequences are profound and we are unprepared for them.