What does it say about the state of our society when so many state legislators seem to make the passage of laws de-humanizing women their main priority, but newspapers are afraid of running comic strips satirizing these laws? Garry Trudeau, the brilliant political cartoonist, has produced a series on forced trans-vaginal sonogram laws in Texas, but papers in a number of the states with similar laws are not running it.
How will you let abortion-care providers know that in a harsh world devastated by coercion and violence, you understand that radical acts of compassion and justice, like providing abortion-care, are exactly what we need more of?
The push to federalize parental notification laws is back… and if last week's hearing is any indication, it’s based on the same misguided arguments laced with a healthy dose of condescension towards young women and their private decisions.
President Obama’s proposed budget, released last month, was reasonably true to his Administration’s commitment to working toward an AIDS-free generation. But a major disappointment is the proposed cut to the Ryan White Part D budget, the only Part of the program that serves the unique needs of women, children, youth and families--and the only part of the Program to take a hit.
The Arizona Senate passed a bill that would prohibit any medical malpractice lawsuits against physicians who chose to withhold valuable information regarding their patient’s pregnancy that could lead her and her family to seek termination.
Bradlee Dean and his Junkyard Prophets are back selling their anti-gay, anti-choice right wing Christian revisionist snake oil. This time to Iowa schools.
Among the literally life-threatening laws being considered in various states are expanded refusal clauses that not only allow various health care workers, including pharmacists, refuse to provide health care or a prescription, but also to refuse to refer to another provider or pharmacist for anything they find “objectionable.”
Operation Rescue leader, Troy Newman, gives an official endorsement to Ron Paul, who may call himself Libertarian, but opposes both freedom and basic health care for women.