Operation Rescue leader, Troy Newman, gives an official endorsement to Ron Paul, who may call himself Libertarian, but opposes both freedom and basic health care for women.
The possible loss of KU Med School’s accreditation is not an “unintended consequence”…it is very much intended and in the same spirit that the Foxx Amendment was passed in the US House last year.
Radio host, Rush Limbaugh, seems to be monopolizing the ire of women these days now that less well-known misogynists are operating under the radar. Wisconsin Republican state Senator, Glenn Grothman, for example.
On Saturday, our protest is not symbolic. It is a beginning. It is a declaration. From now, until we win the full liberation of women, this war on women will be resisted with conscience, anger, imagination, massive mobilization, and relentless determination to turn the tide.
The Salt Lake Tribune reports that the Utah Senate debated only 53 seconds yesterday--International Women's Day--before passing a bill to strip women of their rights.
The most sweeping anti-choice bill in the nation, a 68 page monstrosity currently being considered by the Kansas House Federal and State Affairs Committee, is about to become the center of showdown over the legitimacy of Kansas University Medical School programs.