In the motion, Planned Parenthood is attempting to force the prosecution to take into consideration standard care and best practice as viewed through the modern, professional lens of abortion care. This motion stands as a direct challenge to the anti-choice practice of habitually and flagrantly calling medical ideologues “experts” and pointing to two-bit, outdated, non-peer reviewed studies as “science”.
There is a lot of confusion about 20-week abortion bans, and for good reason. Not only do they pick arbitrary dates based on medically-disproven claims of "fetal pain," at least one is so mixed up it shows that "fetal pain" is not even the basis of the ban.
At the most basic level, human rights are not dependent on who "deserves" them: we have a right to access to abortion, health care, work, and freedom and movement because we are humans, not because we deserve it.
The Republicans seem to think they can erase the past four months and their “war on women,” but if history is any guide, this is wishful thinking. In fact, the historical record suggests we may be witnessing a reawakening of the reproductive rights movement.
Last March, a landmark maternal health petition was filed in Uganda, aimed at holding the government accountable for the deaths of two women in childbirth. It garnered global media attention at the time, yet five months into the process momentum has stalled. When will it be time to women to take the front seat?