What do you get when you cross legislation on who can provide an exam before administering RU-486 with new rules on admitting privileges and other standards for doctors who provide abortions? SuperTRAP.
Peru has made major strides in recent years in regards to development, with strong economic growth and low inflation. Despite these achievements, among Peru’s more than 29 million inhabitants, great disparities persist: 54% of Peru’s population still lives in poverty, and the UNDP estimates that among those living in poverty, 19% survive on less than USD $1 a day.
With their new power in Richmond, anti-choice politicians thought 2012 was their premier opportunity to railroad these policies into law with little resistance. These lawmakers grossly underestimated the outrage their insidious attacks on women’s health would provoke in Virginia and across the nation. With this spring awakening will come retribution at the polls this fall and in fall 2013.