
Distracting from the War on Women

Housewifegate served no other function but to distract from the actual war on women. Arizona passes a scary new abortion ban, and Chris Mooney explains the science of political psychology.

Alabama’s New Abortion Bill Mis-reported by Associated Press

A recent Associated Press story mis-reported that a bill in Alabama would restrict access to emergency contraception. In fact, the bill restricts medical abortion, a safe, easy method of early termination. The whole incident underscores why it's important for the mainstream media to be clear on these distinctions.

Paul Ryan’s Religion of Convenience

On Thursday, Rep. Paul Ryan strayed from the current Republican mantra when he said he “respectfully disagrees” with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops that it’s not very Jesus-like to let poor people starve. But the Bishops and the GOP are in lock step when it comes to the War on Women.