Last week the UN released its latest estimates on global maternal deaths, just two years after the last figure. From 1990 to 2010, they found, the number of women dying from pregnancy- and childbirth-related causes worldwide dropped from 543,000 to 287,000, a near-fifty percent reduction in fatalities.
A law maker proposes a bill to make sure what happens to "Laura Hope Smith" never happens to another woman. The only problem? The bill doesn't have anything to do with her.
Don't trust the Journal of the American Medical Association or the Royal College of Obstetritians and Gyneacologists! Trust the Pro-Life Action League!
This bill, which would ban abortion in the District of Columbia at 20 weeks after fertilization, is clearly unconstitutional and would harm women’s health.Moreover, the bill is incredibly disrespectful of women, doctors, and the residents of the District of Columbia.
The vicious attacks on women’s health to which we’ve grown so accustomed on the national and state stages are trickling down to the local level, as municipal and county governments get in on the action. But recent successes in responding to attacks on women's health programs underscore that we need to be vigilant in our own backyards.
Bei Bei Shuai's case means that all pregnant women are potential criminals and that their bodies can be treated as potential crime scenes. How the "pro-life" movement is threatening to imprison a depressed woman for up to 45 years for attempting suicide.