
As Romney and Ryan Dissemble, RNC Prepares Deeply Anti-Choice Platform Promoting Personhood

Which GOP ticket is being nominated, exactly? Is it the one compromised of two men who have done everything but lick the boots (at least not that I know of) of radical anti-choicers such as the Americans United for Life, the Family Research Council, and the Susan B. Anthony List? Or is it the kinder, gentler ticket that only wants to imprison women who terminate a pregnancy not conceived in rape?

Paul Ryan Pick Presents Unique Conundrum for Republican Women Voters

And therein lies the conundrum for Republican women voters as they consider their vote come Election Day 2012. When the U.S. is as politically polarized as it’s ever been, now epitomized by the Obama-Biden and Romney-Ryan presidential tickets, will women voters join these women elected officials and vote against their self interest?