A Brooklyn Clinic Stops Providing Abortion Care Robin Marty The owner said it was a financial decision to discontinue. But isn't that the point of protesting clinics in the first place?
The Public Funding Debate: If We Don’t Fight the Hyde Amendment, We Will Lose Everything Miriam Zoila Pérez Often the argument is that if we try and fight the public funding battle, we might lose ground in overall access to abortion. But I think that the exact opposite is true. If we don’t fight the public funding debate, we’re going to lose altogether.
Susan B. Anthony List Lies About Obama’s Record Robin Marty What is more important for women in politics than starting a super PAC focused on a race between two men?
Divided Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds Ohio Law Restricting RU-486 Jessica Mason Pieklo On Tuesday a federal appeallate court ruled Ohio's regulation of RU-486 was constitutional, setting the case up for Supreme Court review.
“Abortions on Women Who Aren’t Pregnant” Common Trope of Anti-Choice Movement Robin Marty To us, it sounds ridiculous, but to abortion opponents, abortions on women who aren't pregnant makes perfect sense.
Since When Is “Protecting Women” from Making “Bad” Decisions Feminist? Robin Marty Thinking women aren't capable of making their own decisions, good or bad, is as unfeminist as you can get.