No politician or pundit should get away with claiming he supports any “exception” without facing the obvious follow-up question: “How, exactly, would it work?”
Chile is estimated to have one of the highest abortion rates in all of Latin America, but it has one of the strictest anti-abortion laws in the world. Abortions are banned under all circumstances, including saving the woman’s life. Naturally, this has forced women to seek abortions outside of the law, with varying levels of safety. That’s why the Chilean safe abortion hotline was launched in 2009.
The owners of the Chicago Bears fear that requiring the football team to furnish its employees contraception tramples upon their religious freedom. And they even have a song about it.
A group of women's health advocates are asking the entire Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals to weigh in on an Ohio law that bans the off-label use of mifepristone.