Fortunately for women, pills have changed the landscape of abortion. Abortion with pills, also known as medical abortion (MA), provides a safe, low cost and easy to use method to terminate pregnancies, and one to which access is increasing in several countries.
Physical "rescues" were meant to harass clinics out of existence. The new "civil disobedience" call of anti-choice corporations refusing to cover contraception and sterilization procedures even in the face of federal court order to the contrary is just the corporate version of this same sit-in tactic.
Like so much journalism, the Time magazine article seemed determined to focus on conflict and failure, rather than on the extraordinary energy and transformative gifts of the movement for women’s reproductive choice have yielded over these past 40 years.
Time gave the SBA List space to promote their claim to be "pro-life feminists." Except that in order to be a feminist, you have to work for women's equality. SBA List is on the anti-feminist side on pretty much every issue, including equal pay and violence against women.
It may be true that the pro-choice movement is "more fragmented than it's ever been," but this is not because young people are clamoring to overthrow those who are running legacy organizations.
Scott Lemieux breaks down 2012 and lays out what to expect in 2013 in the Supreme Court. Michigan passes a grotesque anti-abortion law, and Philadelphia high schools install free condom dispensers.
As women's rights and pro-choice activists continue to sharply criticize the ongoing attempts to grant personhood rights to eggs, it is important to examine what "personhood" actually means, what fetal personhood laws would mean for our movement, and how personhood activists are getting it all wrong.