The Drug War and the War on Reproductive Health aren't just rhetorical. One woman's tragic death shows us the true human cost of devaluing pregnant women.
Andrea Grimes updates us on what's happening to Texas family planning funding. Also: review of the Steubenville rape case and a look at Virginia's new abortion regulations.
A federal judge denied a request to block the 2011 law, holding a trial was necessary to determine if forcing a woman to buy special insurance for abortion care violates Roe v. Wade.
This week, Planned Parenthood announced it will let go of the “pro-choice” label, concerned that the pro-life/pro-choice framework for abortion doesn’t resonate with the general public that holds many more conflicting positions on abortion.
To say that Millennials are less “committed” or “present” in the fight to ensure safe and legal access to abortion for all women in America is simply false. We are out there. Because we have to be.
Rewire hosted an audio news conference for journalists and bloggers on the first ever comprehensive, peer-reviewed study offering a groundbreaking, in-depth look at criminal and civil cases in which a woman’s pregnancy led to her arrest, imprisonment, or other deprivations of liberty.